Collection: Navakash

My work explores the relationship between patterns, color, and perception, drawing on both personal memory and universal visual language. The optical illusions in my paintings emerge from the interplay of flat, repetitive patterns that evolve organically across the canvas. While there is a sense of randomness in my process, my instinctive design sensibility brings these elements together, creating a harmonious balance that invites the viewer to engage deeply with the work. 

I’m particularly drawn to geometric forms—shapes that are universally recognizable and carry an inherent visual rhythm. These forms, often repeated across the surface, generate a sense of movement and depth, transforming the flatness of the canvas into a dynamic, almost kinaesthetic experience. My use of red, green, yellow, and blue—the primary colors—is deliberate. I use them in their purest forms without blending, allowing their boldness and clarity to enhance the illusionistic effects I aim to achieve.

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